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41 extinguish fire ant bait label

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait EXTINGUISH™ PROFESSIONAL FIRE ANT BAIT Manufacturer: Wellmark International Address: 1501 East Woodfield Road, Suite 200-West Schaumburg, IL 60173 Emergency Phone: 1-800-248-7763 Transportation Emergency Phone: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: Extinguish™ Professional Fire Ant Bait Extinguish® Plus Fire Ant Bait | Central Grower This fire ant bait combines an adulticide with the long-lasting control of an insect growth regulator, offering two-way action that makes it economical to use while meeting the UDSA fire ant quarantine requirements. Product Size 1.5 lb. SDS Spec Label Sell Sheet Active Ingredients IGR (S)-methoprene 0.25% and Hydramethylnon 0.365%.

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait Insecticide - Phoenix Environmental ... Extinguish Plus fire ant bait insecticide kills and controls more than just imported and native fire ants. It's also useful for eliminating and preventing harvester ant infestations. Use Extinguish Plus for removing big-headed and Argentine ant colonies both indoors and outdoors. Extinguish Plus Kills Native Fire Ants

Extinguish fire ant bait label

Extinguish fire ant bait label

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait | Solutions Pest & Lawn Extinguish Plus is a fire ant bait that provides dual treatment to control fire ants. The insecticide kills the adults and the insect growth regulator (IGR) stops queens from producing fertile eggs. It is safe for indoor and outdoor use and follows all USDA quarantine regulations. size: 1.5 Pound 1.5 Pound 4.5 Pound 25 Pound $30.15 Add to Cart Ant Control & Prevention | Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait - Zoecon Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait is an ideal solution for complete long-term control, preventing fire ants mounds from moving and colonies from rebounding. Count on reduction in colony size in 3 weeks and complete elimination within 8-10 weeks Prevents mound movement and colony rebounding 1 bag treats 25 acres Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait, Extinguish Fire Ant Granules - Extinguish Plus combines the power of hydramethylnon with an insect growth regulator (IGR) to kill fire ant workers and prevent queens from laying fertile eggs. The result is complete fire ant colony control. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait is best used in the spring or early fall, or whenever fire ants are active.

Extinguish fire ant bait label. SDS and Speciman Labels | Central Ant Control For safety and technical information on our products, view the Safety Data Sheets and Specimen Labels below. Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait SDS Specimen Label 2 (ee) Label Extinguish® Plus SDS Specimen Label ProBait® SDS Specimen Label Tango™ SDS 2 (ee) Label Extinguish Fire Ant Bait - Backyard Pest Control Products search. Search. Extinguish Fire Ant Bait $ 45.57 - $ 242.53 Home / Growth Regulators (IGRs) / Extinguish Fire Ant Bait Fire Ant Removal | Extinguish® Plus Fire Ant Control - Zoecon Extinguish® Plus (Fire Ant Control) Active Ingredients: 0.365% Hydramethylnon, 0.25% (S)-Methoprene EPA Reg. #2724-496 The effective combination fire ant product, Extinguish® Plus fire ant bait controls and kills existing ants while preventing new colonies from forming. : Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Killer 1.5lb : Extinguish Fire ... in Pest Control Baits & Lures 8 offers from $18.97 Product Description Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait is a granular bait that has a unique combination of chemicals that controls Fire Ants by using a stomach poison and insect growth regulator. This powerful one, two punch has proven to be one of the most effective ways to kill Fire Ants.

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait - 1.5 Lb | Forshaw EXTINGUISH PLUS FIRE ANT BAIT - 1.5 LB Item No.WEL12061 An effective combination fire ant product, Extinguish Plus fire ant bait controls and kills existing ants while preventing new colonies from forming. Eliminates colonies, hidden and visible Kills the queen and worker ants Combination fire ant product Prevents mound movement and colony rebound PDF Professional Fire Ant Bait - Pest Mall for fire ant control. When blending products, the more restrictive label will apply. Use a 50/50 mix to blend EXTINGUISHand other bait. For broadcast applications, mix the required amount of bait so that the application is made using 0.75 lbs. EXTINGUISHand 0.75 lbs. of other bait for a total of 1.5 lbs. of total bait per acre. For mound ... PDF 2424015 Spec Lbl - EXTINGUISH ® PLUSis highly attractive to imported and native fire ants and other ants. Worker ants carry the bait into the mound as food for the colony. The ants will then begin feeding the bait to the rest of the colony. They eat it and feed it to the queen. EXTINGUISH ® PLUS is a unique product containing a slow acting insecticide and an ... PDF Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Control Specimen Label - EXTINGUISH ® PLUS bait is highly attractive to imported and native fire ants and other ants. Worker ants carry the bait into the mound as food for the colony. The ants will then begin feeding the bait to the rest of the colony. They eat it and feed it to the queen. EXTINGUISH ® PLUS bait is a unique product containing

Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait | Central Ant Control Specifically targeted for fire ants, Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait contains (S)-methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that affects a fire ant queen's reproductive abilities. As existing workers die naturally, they are not replaced by a new generation. The queen eventually starves to death and the entire colony is eliminated. extinguish ant bait label - Fire Extinguisher Guide extinguish ant bait label How to use extinguish plus fire ant bait. Step 1: When applying Extinguish Plus with a push spreader, begin by calculating the size of the area being treated. To… Step 2: Fill the spreader with the correct amount … Read more. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant | WinField United - Winfield United Professional Target Insects. Extinguish Plus can be used directly on fire ant mounds or as a broadcast treatment to control other ant species. Though it's labeled as a fire ant bait, it also helps to control harvester ants and big-headed ants. It's also effective at killing and controlling Argentine ants indoors and outdoors. Extinguish Pro Fire Ant Bait | WinField United Description Description Specs Labels and SDS Forms Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait is the perfect insecticide for long-lasting ant control. It contains an active ingredient that prevents the development of future infestations and mounds on the lawn. It can be used indoors and outdoors and stop mound development in grazing areas.

Extinguish® Plus | Texas Imported Fire Ant Research and Management Project Agricultural Uses: Extinguish® Plus may be applied to grass forage (pastures and rangeland) for the control of fire ants in Texas and other (refer to label) southern states. Use on grass forage (pastures and rangeland) in states other than those listed is unlawful. See Outdoor Use table on container label for application directions.

Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait - Where to buy Extinguish ... Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait - 25 Lb prevents new mounds from forming while eliminating existing colonies by affecting the fire ant queen's reproductive abilities with the insect growth regulator (IGR,) (S)-methoprene. ... Extinguish_Pro_Label of Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait - 25 Lb; Extinguish_Pro_MSDS.pdf

Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait | Solutions Pest & Lawn Extinguish Pro Fire Ant Bait is a granular insecticide bait used to stop and prevent fire ant infestations. It can be applied to various turf and lawn areas. Extinguish Pro Fire Ant Bait is safe to apply to indoor areas as a crack and crevice or wall void treatment. $204.99 Add to Cart Expert Help Available In Store Free Shipping*

Amdro Fire Ant Bait Amdro Fire Ant Bait is made from corn grit. When it gets wet, the bait becomes soggy and is no longer appealing to the fire ants. The longer you can keep the area dry, the better the chances you have of the bait being picked up and carried back to the colony. We recommend applying the product when rain is not expected within 24 hours.

Extinguish Fire Ant Bait - ZOECON Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait - 1 jug (1.5 lbs), Extinguish Plus fire ant bait controls and kills existing ants while preventing new colonies from.., By Brand ZOECON Orthene Fire Ant Killer, 12-oz. Destroys Mound and Exterminates Queen

Which fire ant bait should I use? - Ant Pests - Extension Be sure to use bait only in sites specified on the product label. For example: Amdro Pro, Esteem, Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait, and Extinguish Plus can be applied to active cattle pastures and hayfields. Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait can be used on most cropland and vegetable plots. Fertilome Come and Get It!

extinguish plus ant bait label - Fire Extinguisher Guide How to use extinguish plus fire ant bait Step 1: When applying Extinguish Plus with a push spreader, begin by calculating the size of the area being treated. To…

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait (4.5lb) - Digital Vantage Point Extinguish Plus Bait combines the killing speed of an adulticide (Hydramethylnon) and the long-lasting control of an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) (S)-Methoprene. It is highly attractive to imported and native fire ants and other ants. Controlled Pests: Imported and native fire ants, harvester ants, big-headed ants, and Argentine ants

Altrevin® Fire Ant Bait Insecticide - BASF Benefits of Altrevin ® Fire Ant Bait Insecticide. Achieves the fastest speed of kill compared to competitive products. Provides rapid knock-down with a longer window of control. Unique MOA provides application flexibility that helps to protect yield & quality. Offers a 5-day pre-harvest interval. How Altrevin® Fire Ant Bait Insecticide Works.

Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait | Insecticides - Veseris Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait is an ideal solution for complete long-term control, preventing fire ants mounds from moving and colonies from rebounding. Count on reduction in colony size in 3 weeks and complete elimination within 8-10 weeks. Prevents mound movement and colony rebounding. 1 bag treats 25 acres.

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait-4.5 lb 55555354 - This item: Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait-4.5 lb 55555354 $5665 Syngenta - A20380A - Advion Fire Ant Bait - Insecticide - 2lb $4999 Scotts Whirl Hand-Powered Spreader $1797 $124.61 Bifen IT 128oz- Bifenthrin Insecticide Same as Talstar Pro 1,829 13 offers from $56.73 BASF 10341 Advance 375A Granular Ant Bait 323 15 offers from $57.67

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait, Extinguish Fire Ant Granules - Extinguish Plus combines the power of hydramethylnon with an insect growth regulator (IGR) to kill fire ant workers and prevent queens from laying fertile eggs. The result is complete fire ant colony control. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait is best used in the spring or early fall, or whenever fire ants are active.

Ant Control & Prevention | Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait - Zoecon Extinguish® Professional Fire Ant Bait is an ideal solution for complete long-term control, preventing fire ants mounds from moving and colonies from rebounding. Count on reduction in colony size in 3 weeks and complete elimination within 8-10 weeks Prevents mound movement and colony rebounding 1 bag treats 25 acres

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait | Solutions Pest & Lawn Extinguish Plus is a fire ant bait that provides dual treatment to control fire ants. The insecticide kills the adults and the insect growth regulator (IGR) stops queens from producing fertile eggs. It is safe for indoor and outdoor use and follows all USDA quarantine regulations. size: 1.5 Pound 1.5 Pound 4.5 Pound 25 Pound $30.15 Add to Cart

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